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Kewaunee County Wisconsin
Manure Spill Response Guide

Kewaunee County has adopted a Manure Spill Response Guide to provide county agriculture producers with practical information on how to respond to a manure spill.  The guide outlines different types of emergencies and provides step-by-step information to implement an Emergency response Plan on a farm.  The plan addresses eliminating the source of the spill, containing the spill, reporting the spill, cleaning up the spill and documenting and filing necessary reports.  Farmers need to be prepared to react to emergency situations.  No matter how a manure spill happens, immediate action is required to prevent more serious problems and this Manure Spill Response Guide provides practical information to address an emergency situation while minimizing impact to the environment.  This guide was developed with leadership from Kewaunee County UW-Extension, Kewaunee County Land and Water Conservation Department and Kewaunee County Emergency Management, along with input from Department of Natural Resources personnel and Kewaunee County dairy producers.
View or Print the Manure Spill Response Guide (6 pages, 440kb)
View or Print the Manure Spill Quick Reference Emergency Response Plan Checklist  (2 pages, 95kb)