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Kewaunee County Wisconsin
Comprehensive Community Services

Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) provides a recovery-focused approach with children and adults with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. Services will be provided in the community, will be flexible and will help the person achieve their vision of recovery. CCS can help people who need ongoing, comprehensive services to help them live, work, participate in their community, and ultimately reach a level of recovery in their illness.

Eligibility Children and adults of all ages with a mental health and/or substance abuse diagnosis which may be creating problems in one or more areas of the person’s life such as the ability to hold a job, go to school, live independently or lead an active life. Must have or be eligible for Medical Assistance. All applicants will be screened for eligibility.

Important Elements of CCS:
  • Consumer Focus - We ask each consumer in CCS to tell us what his or her needs are. We help you to become aware of how you can take control of your life. How you can discover ways to use resources and problem solving skills to make choices and decisions in your life.
  • Builds on Natural & Community Supports - We ask you to identify who is important in your life; who will be supportive and play an important role as a member of your recovery team.
  • Strength Based - We help you identify your unique qualities and abilities to develop strategies to move towards recovery and improve the quality of your life.
  • Self-Sufficiency - CCS emphasizes successful living. This means access to jobs, activities, housing, transportation, and resources for individual needs like health, education, vocation, social, spiritual and recreation. Meeting these needs will bring you down the path to self-sufficiency.
  • Goal and Outcome Oriented - You participate in the assessment and service planning to begin identifying your needs that will lead to the development of goals and the outcomes you specify.
  • Collaboration - You and your recovery team, including your case manager, will work together to plan, make decisions and coordinate strategies. Together you will work to have a plan for services that will be based on hope, empowerment, and recovery.
  • Cultural Competency - Your beliefs, values, customs and culture will be acknowledged and respected. CCS will work to provide support, acceptance and embrace an understanding of cultural and lifestyle diversity.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services