Children's Long Term Support Waivers |
Wisconsin has three approved Children's Long Term Support Waivers (CLTS) Waivers for children with development disabilities, physical disabilities, and severe emotional disturbances. The purpose of the waivers is to help families support children with severe disabilities within their own home.
The CLTS Waivers are funded through Medicaid and local government funding. They are known as Medicaid Waivers because the federal government "waived" certain regulations so that Medicaid funds can pay for services in the community.
Who is Eligible?
The CLTS Waivers are available to children and youth under the age of 22. The CLTS Waivers cover a broad range of services, depending upon the child's and family's identified needs. Some examples of possible services include: adaptive aids, service coordination, communication aids, in-home therapy, intensive autism services, daily living skills training, day services, respite care, home modifications and supportive home care.