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Kewaunee County Wisconsin
County Transportation

The Transportation Program provides three transportation options for residents of Kewaunee County.

Transportation services are funded through grants, county levy and co-pay’s to the transportation program. Each year the program applies for a §85.21 grant through Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The grant is comprised of state and local match funding and is dedicated to the transportation of the elderly and disabled residents of rural counties in Wisconsin.

Transportation using a volunteer driver is available to the following:
  • Self-Pay / Elderly or Disabled Consumers
    • This service is available to persons age 55 or older, or disabled individuals of any age. Consumers will be allowed up to three scheduled trips per week, provided a driver is available and other sources of transportation such as family and friends are not available. Priority is given to those requesting rides to medical appointments or to work. Other types of trips may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Medical Assistance Consumers
    • Transportation to medical appointments is provided to Medical Assistance recipients through a statewide transportation broker, MTM. To access this service, call MTM at 866-907-1493. If you are on Medical Assistance and enrolled in FamilyCare, you should call CCCW at 877-622-6700 for transportation.
  • Non-Medical Transportation Shopping / Errand Service
    • This service is provided to consumers age 55 or older, or disabled individuals of any age to shop and do errands (example: grocery store, bank, laundry, lawyer/business affairs, etc.) in their own local areas.
How to Sign Up?

Call (920) 388-0626 to make arrangements for transportation. Leave a message with your name and phone number as well as the date, time and place of your appointment. Call at least two business days before your scheduled appointment whenever possible. Rides are available Monday-Thursday from 8AM-3PM and Fridays from 8AM-1PM.  Rides are not guaranteed.  Ride availability is based on volunteer driver availability.