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Kewaunee County Wisconsin
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Land & Water Conservation
Groundwater & Well Testing
It is recommended that all private wells be tested at least once per year for coliform bacteria and nitrates and more often if changes in water taste, odor or color are noticed. The next well testing dates will take place in June 2021 & November 2021.
The Kewaunee County Sanitary Ordinance covers all municipalities in Kewaunee County where public sewer is not available. Here we have listed permit fees, forms, brochures, FAQs, and more regarding sanitation.
Shoreland property owners play an important role in preserving the quality of our lakes, rivers, and waterways. Here we have listed permit fees, forms, applications, FAQs, and more regarding zoning.
Land Information
Land Records Portal
Visit the Kewaunee County Land Records Portal to access geographic and land information in Kewaunee County.
Open Data Portal
Visit the Kewaunee County Open Data Portal to access georgraphic and land information in Kewaunee County.