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Kewaunee County Wisconsin
Nov. 1, 2021 - REGISTRATION FULL: Kewaunee County Offers FREE Well Testing in November for Private Well Owners

UPDATE - November 8, 2021 - Registration for the FREE well testing is FULL! The Kewaunee County Land & Water Conservation Department has registered 300 private well owners for November. Thank You.

Jennifer Gonzalez
Public Information Officer, Kewaunee County
Office: (920) 388-0567
November 1, 2021
Kewaunee County Offers FREE Well Testing in November for Private Well Owners

KEWAUNEE, WI – The Kewaunee County Land & Water Conservation Department (LWCD) is once again offering FREE well testing for private well owners as a continuation of its comprehensive study on groundwater quality in Kewaunee County.

The program is accepting up to 300 participants for testing in November, but as of Monday, November 1, 2021, only 100 spots remain available. Also, for those who had received a free well test in July 2021, you are not eligible for the free test in November.

“As we continue to understand the extent of nitrate and bacteriological contamination in the Silurian Dolomite aquifer, and determine if or what progress has been made in Kewaunee County since the implementation of the new NR151 Silurian Dolomite Standards and Prohibitions, we hope that our residents & businesses with private wells will continue to participate in this effort,” said Davina Bonness, County Conservationist & Director of Kewaunee County Land & Water Conservation Department.
To register, please contact Davina Bonness, with Kewaunee County LWCD at (920) 845-9743 or email by November 10, 2021.
Bottle pick up will be November 10-11, 2021 at the LWCD office, 625 Third Street, Luxemburg. Volunteers will instruct participants on how and when to sample their wells.
Once water testing is complete, each private well owner will receive a copy of their individual results. All results will be confidential and only be publicly presented in a way that does not identify individual homes or businesses.
The FREE well testing is funded through a Wisconsin Coastal Management grant and a donation by Peninsula Pride Farms.
Funded by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act, Grant # AD219129-022.23