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Kewaunee County Wisconsin
Jan. 3, 2022 - Kewaunee County LWCD Spring 2022 Tree & Shrub Sale

Jennifer Gonzalez
Public Information Officer, Kewaunee County
Office: (920) 388-0567

January 3, 2022
Kewaunee County LWCD Spring 2022 Tree & Shrub Sale

LUXEMBURG, WI - The Kewaunee County Land & Water Conservation Department is hosting a Spring 2022 Tree & Shrub Sale.

Orders for tree seedlings must be placed in multiples of six (6) per species; shrub seedlings purchased individually.

The tree species available are: Red Cedar Eastern (8-16"), Douglas fir, Balsam fir, White Pine (5-8"). These are two-year-old seedlings. The price for six seedlings is $18.00. 

The shrub species available are: Lilac Dwarf Korean, Hydrangea Incrediball Smooth PW*, Hydrangea Zinfin Doll, Weigela Sonic Bloom Pink PW*. These are one-year-old seedlings. The price for each seedling is $5.00.

Seedlings will be available for pick-up in late April or early May 2022.

Those insterested in ordering should print and complete an order form.


Customers will be notified as to where and when seedling pick-up will take place.

The deadline for orders is Friday, March 18, 2022.

NOTE: Inventory is limited. Orders will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please make checks payable to Kewaunee County LWCD and either mail them along with an order form or drop-off in-person at the LWCD office.

Land & Water Conservation Department
625 Third Street, Luxemburg, WI 54217

If you have questions or for quantities available, please call the LWCD at (920) 845-9740 or email