Kewaunee County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors
Proposed Redistricting Plan
Kewaunee County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors
Proposed Redistricting Plan
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Wis. Stat. 59.10(3)(b) a Public Hearing will be conducted by the Kewaunee County Board of Supervisors at 6:00 p.m., on November 9, 2021 in the County Board Room at the Administration Center, 810 Lincoln Street, Kewaunee, WI, to provide comment on the Board of Supervisors’ Proposed Plan for county and municipal redistricting.
A copy of the Proposed Plan for county and municipal redistricting can be viewed on the Kewaunee County website ( and is also available for public inspection at the Kewaunee County Land Information Office, Administration Center, 810 Lincoln Street, Kewaunee, WI.
Following the Public Hearing, the County Board may discuss and adopt the Final Plan at its meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2021.
If you would like to attend and you are a person who requires special accommodations for the meeting room, please contact the County Clerk’s Office at 920-388-7133. All requests are confidential.
Dated this 8th day of October, 2021.
/s/Jamie Annoye, Kewaunee County Clerk
Publish as a Class III Notice in the
Green Bay Press Gazette on
10/19/21, 10/26/21 & 11/2/21